Archive for Vespers

Publican and Pharisee

Posted in Meditative with tags , , on February 13, 2011 by readerjohn

Today, the Orthodox Christian world begins the “Lenten Triodion,” the cycle of services that prepare us for, and guide us through, Great Lent.

Our preparation begins with reflection on Christ’s story of the Publican and the Pharisee, as told in Luke 18: 10-14.

As is invariably the case in Orthodoxy, our hymnody is not mere punctuation between homilies and other exhortations of the Clergy. The are themselves the core teaching on the meaning of the observance for which they are appointed.

The “proper” hymns of last evening’s Vespers and this morning’s Matins can be found, for instance, here, thanks to the industry, dedication and generosity of The Community of the Holy Myrrbearers, as part of a complete online Triodion. If you are put off by the lack of fancy formatting here are the versions of Vespers and Matins (text and special music) I actually print for use in leading the singing of Saint Alexis Parish.

If you wish to have your own printed versions of services, beyond what appears in the weekly bulletin, note that our Cantor almost invariably gets his version of Vespers here, and of Matins (texts and music) here.